Just a reminder for anyone who might have joined the list recently; we
have a separate mailing list which gets used for discussing
Wiki::Toolkit specific things on occasion. This is at
Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)
On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 12:05:54AM +0100, Kake L Pugh wrote:
> On Wed 02 May 2007, Daniel Packer <daniel(a)xtoinfinity.com> wrote:
> > The closer to YAPC::Europe the better. Then I can justify the trip from
> > NYC as a business expense. ;)
> >
> > But seriously, I may come and couch surf for a week or so, if things
> > aren't too crazy. I'll wait until you guys settle on a date to figure it
> > out.
> Wow, I wasn't expecting any overseas participants! But that would be great.
> Are you planning to go to YAPC::EU in any case?
If you want you, you might want to submit a Hackathon proposal for
We can provide sponsoring for travel and accommodation costs for up to
500 EUR.
The deadline to submit a proposal is Sunday, 13th May.
And if you want to tack on a day of hacking in Vienna before/after
YAPC::Europe, I'm quite sure we can find a location with power plugs and
#!/usr/bin/perl http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}
So, it seems people are keen on a hackfest. Dom's made a meetomatic page
for people to register the dates they'd be able to make:
Current possible venues are Oxford and London. Any preferences? Any
offers of hosting in other towns?
The focus for this hackfest will probably be bug triage and bug closing.
Apologies to non-UK people - but we should see if we can work out some
way for you to "attend" via IRC.
Hello! I've signed up for this:
Basically, it's a bunch of geeks getting together in Alexandra Palace
on 16th-17th June, and making things. I thought it might be cool if
there were OpenGuides people there. Dom, might you be able to make it?
Anyone else?
One of the organisers turned up on #london.pm the other day and said
not to be put off by the thing about "considered for participation"
and "reviewing applications for attendance" - apparently that's mostly
to put off people who're not actually involved in building interesting
things and just want to come for the free booze/networking/etc.
Note that I don't know if there'll be space there to do anything
directly OpenGuides-related, but it might be fun anyway.
This also reminded me that I've been thinking for a while that it
might be about time for another OpenGuides hackathon - anyone interested?
Also: I learn from the interweb that Earle is going to Montreal to
talk to Wikitravel people about RDF output and how we can make
OpenGuides and Wikitravel talk to each other:
Is anyone else doing anything exciting at the moment? I hear rumour of
a potential OpenGuides-related talk at YAPC::EU...
See ticket for details: http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/206
A patch has been submitted, but to release it we'll need to bump the
Module::Build requirement to v0.26+ as this is when the API was updated,
which my patch uses.
Daniel Packer, Principal
X To Infinity, LLC
191 Chrystie St, Suite 3F
New York, NY 10002
P 718.502.6519 / F 866.833.0673
Web, Code, Software, and Systems. Visit www.xtoinfinity.com for info.
Dear Kake and friends,
I'm excited to be working with the OpenGuides source code for a new
application I'm developing with Michael Heimbinder (see
http://www.habitatmap.org). Thanks for the warm welcome, and as soon as
I get my own environment up and running, you'll start to hear more from
me. I think the team is fantastic and that's why I thought OG was a
great choice.
As for my background, I've been using Perl professionally for ten years
with a focus on content management and database driven web applications,
so I'm fairly comfortable with the technology being used. I'm also a
system administrator. Through my company, X To Infinity, I work on a
wide variety of projects by myself and with subcontractors, and I am
working to emphasize socially progressive, not for profit, and
grassroots work, as I find this work very rewarding and meaningful. For
fun I bake vegan cookies, ride my bicycle all over the place, go
jogging, play my guitar and sing badly, write articles for local papers,
and volunteer.
I may even try to make my own vegan/vegetarian resource with OpenGuides
if I have the time. First things first though, I struggled with various
installation issues yesterday, and my goal today is to get up and
running and detail my installation woes/insights.
Some topics that will likely come up in the near future relating to the
habitatmap project are: extending access controls, single sign on (Open
ID - LDAP - ?), performance benchmarking, cobranding the look and feel
(so that one site can take on many different skins), spam/abuse control,
forum integration, and google maps integration.
Daniel Packer, Principal
X To Infinity, LLC
191 Chrystie St, Suite 3F
New York, NY 10002
P 718.502.6519 / F 866.833.0673
Web, Code, Software, and Systems. Visit www.xtoinfinity.com for info.
There was discussion here recently about getting some author
attribution into the data. I remain opposed to the idea until we have
logins, but should that happen, I'd be all for it also showing up on
the page itself, as Wikitravel does it. Example:
Scroll down to the page footer to see what I mean.
Earle Martin
On 25/04/07, Kake L Pugh <kake(a)earth.li> wrote:
> On Tue 24 Apr 2007, Earle Martin <openguides(a)downlode.org> wrote:
> > I'm looking forward to flying the OG flag at RoCoCoCamp as well as a
> > long-overdue serious RDF talk with Evan.
> Do you know if he's been thinking about outputs other than RDF? I was
> wondering if OpenGuides should perhaps have additional output formats
> that are a little more programmer-friendly - maybe JSON? These could
> be optional depending on whether the admin has the relevant Perl
> modules installed.
We haven't talked about specific formats per se; what we're mostly
interested in is coordinating namespace usage. I've certainly got
nothing against JSON output, and it might even be nice to offer
N-Triples (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/#ntriples) as well. Your
recent change to using templates for the output theoretically makes it
very easy for us to implement.
Some examples of our output in different formats using Dave Beckett's
excellent "triplr" triple-converter:
Earle Martin
The edit form changes that I mentioned previously:
are now in svn. Basically, there are no longer any tables involved;
it's all done with <div>s, which gives you much more flexibility. I'd
really appreciate it if those of you with customised edit forms
(Boston, OGL, etc) could have a look at it and see if it lets you do
what you want to do. The new classes and things are all documented in
If you have any trouble with it, please let me know. I'd quite like
to get this released reasonably soon.