Hi, I don't follow OG development but as host operator a few things are
coming up. The machine's load is gradually climbing over time and some
of that is OG.
Despite a relatively low hit rate on OG it is consuming quite a bit of
resource. If OG started taking off it would take the machine down.
First up: index.cgi requires 0.35s to perform a `perl -c` syntax check.
Any thoughts on putting OG on a mod_perl server? I have mod_perl running
here of course and we'd need to coordinate some apache.conf stuff.
Second: the supersearch.cgi gulps down CPU, often for seconds at a time.
It is a frequent resident of `top` output. This isn't really
acceptable. I'm going to request this feature be turned off unless an
effective optimisation plan or some other way to reduce its impact
here is constructed pretty soon. Sorry about this but it's encroaching
on others.
Third: I wonder if there's some way to instruct robots not to spider
parts of your wiki. This ought to speak for itself:
$ grep crawl /var/log/apache/london.openguides.org-access.log | grep 'action=edit' | wc -l
Finally: I posted about a DoS and was wondering what the status of a
solution was. http://openguides.org/mail/openguides-dev/2004-October/000542.html
Paul (any overbearing tone unintentional ;-)
Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/
"If my elbow was straight, then I'll show oyu mine!"
-- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/
So then.
It looks like we weren't able to sort it out for this month, so let's do the
get-together-and-hack-on-stuff thing this January, 2005. How about the last
weekend of the month (Sat 29/Sun 30)?
BTW - if it's to be at my place, we can accomodate one overnight (or two if
they share a futon!) - first come, first served.
Reply here if you're up for it.
Earle Martin
Hi all, and a Merry Christmas!
I've been fiddling about with the layout of nottingham.og.o, and have a
few minor issues with the templates I'd like to bring up:
* It appears there is no div that covers all the actual content of a node;
the 'content' div seems to include the navbar as well. Is this
intentional? For what I was hoping to do with the layout, these being
separate divs would probably be really useful -- either for the content
div to stop including the navbar, or for some other div to be created
including the rest of the content div, after the navbar.
* There are two search boxes on every page (navbar, footer). Would it be
easy to add a config option to not have one of them, or just lose the
footer one altogether, or something? I think the one in the navbar is
more immediately visible, so I'd probably prefer to keep that one.
(There's probably also an argument for a special one in home_node.tt
somewhere, for guides which have no navbar on the front page, or
* The Recent Changes box on the front page looks quite cluttered, and is
bigger than I'd like; one solution to this would be to lose most of it,
just retaining the node names, and maybe the marker proposed in
<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=9068>. But, I realise some guides
might want the full version of this box, as it stands. So I suggest a
new config option (yes, I know, another question at install time...)
called something like minimal_recent_changes which can then be used in
the templates to remove the 'fluff' from this box as appropriate.
I'm also not convinced of the point of the "edit this page" link in the
recent changes box, but I assume that's there for a reason I've not
thought of yet!
As another alternative, could the recent changes front page box be made
optional altogether? I assume this would be relatively easy to do, and I
think this is if anything a _more_ useful option than the navbar being
There's probably other stuff, but it's 3am. I'll follow up to this
message next week, no doubt :-)
A celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness.
One of the recurring themes with using OpenGuides is that it doesn't do
a particularly good or consistent job of allowing people to use charsets
other than iso-8859-1. I've made a page on the wiki:
which hopefully sets out what problems there are and how to solve them.
Please hack on that wiki page with additions and corrections, and/or
make comments on list. Once we have a clear plan of how to proceed we'll
need someone to implement it, too :) If you are regularly dealing with
non iso-8859-1 charsets at the moment, then your input is especially
valuable here.
i've been working on this service which builds a splash page for
wireless access points from aggregated local information. (which right
now, is just the open guide to london.)
http://space.frot.org/splash/splash/?node=25609 is a quite broken but
hopefully evocative demo of what i am talking about, this will be
fixed soon. we are hoping to get earle involved in making better
integration so we can support openguides, in the new year. we have
been talking about what this might involve and as a byproduct of that
i have been dreaming about more of a machine interface to openguides.
- there are a lot of places in which i can append format=rdf to a URI
and see a nice model. didn't there used to be a RSS feed for recent
changes? if
included timestamped listings for the changes, that would be good.
i am positing this while running a syndication service as a client,
so a time-based query function - 'show me changes since time t
[within area a]' would also make a lot of sense.
- There's also a 'show me things within n metres of here' function,
and it would be spiffy to have an rdf/xml version of those results.
- better inference about types of things described by pages would
make interesting things possible. on the SF guide for a while i
experimented with using categories to create wordnet terms for rdf
type - e.g. the referent of a page in category 'Bar' becomes a wn:Bar
then you could have type-based queries within OG - 'show me all
things of type foo near here' - though you could do this currently,
i suppose, with the category system.
on the receiver end, i could filter results without resorting to
kludges - e.g. i have a list of n nearby objects and go through them
running a regular expression on each dc:subject, ugh
it would be nice to publish an informal ontology based on
user-created place types, and what you can correlate from wordnet.
i was experimenting with this, but just too much like yakshaving
right at the minute.
Anyway i am hoping to persuade earle to work on something like this
and i wonder what the dev community thinks of it. Also handwavingly
wondering about collaborative filtering; of a foaf-based service which
allows you to outsource recommendations; whether this is asking for
trouble; it's probably worth starting to think about?
I've had some wikispam and when I go to delete it I get:
Sorry! Something went wrong. Please contact the Wiki administrator at
openguide(a)rumble.net and quote the following error message:
Search::InvertedIndex::remove_index_from_group() - Corrupted
database. Unable to find 'ged_000000000000_c_000000000a9f' record at
/usr/share/perl5/CGI/Wiki/Search/SII.pm line 143
Return to the Wiki home page
When I run reindex.pl, I get this:
simon@stout:/etc/openguides/default$ sudo ./reindex.pl
Reindexed 30 St Mary Axe
Reindexed 99 Notre Dame Avenue, San Jose
Reindexed Bletchley Park
Reindexed Brogo Dam
Reindexed Brogo Rotolactor
Reindexed CN Tower
Reindexed Category Accidents
Reindexed Category Architecture
Reindexed Category Botany
Reindexed Category Bridges
Reindexed Category Category
Reindexed Category Communications
Reindexed Category Computers
Reindexed Category Dams
Reindexed Category Espionage
Search::InvertedIndex::remove_index_from_group() - Corrupted database.
Unable tofind 'ged_000000000001_c_0000000000ba' record
at /usr/share/perl5/CGI/Wiki/Search/SII.pm line 138
Erm, how do I recover then eh?
Rev Simon Rumble <simon(a)rumble.net>
The Tourist Engineer
Nerds need vacations too.
It's a recession when your neighbour loses his job; it's
a depression when you lose yours.
- Harry S. Truman
Dear Developer,
First of all I would like to say Thank you for a great software.
I would like to setup open guide to my city, which is Jakarta - Indonesia.
Right now I am in the process of installing openguides to my server.
What do I need to provides?
and Is it possible to have a subdomain under openguides, such as
jakarta.openguides.org ?
Thank you
PT. Verinux Linux System
"Technology in a smart way"
There's a helluva lot of wiki spam on that site. :(
Rev Simon Rumble <simon(a)rumble.net>
The Tourist Engineer
Because nerds travel too.
"TV is chewing gum for the eyes."
- Frank Lloyd Wright