On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, IvorW wrote:
I am still poking at this issue, having got distracted by the one below, which I think is related but not the same.
Note that the page you get redirected to on a saved edit is wrong, being http://vienna.openguides.org/vienna.cgi?Category_CD/Platten-Gesch%C3%A4fte instead of http://vienna.openguides.org/vienna.cgi?Category_CD/Platten-Gesch%E4fte
This is because the node name parameter is not being properly URL-encoded before the Location: header is printed to STDOUT. This bug slipped in because I forgot that CGI::Wiki::Formatter::UseMod's ->node_name_to_node_param method doesn't actually URL-encode, but expects you to do it yourself after calling the method (this _is_ documented).
I think it perhaps should, since what I expect from that method is something I can bung into a URL and it will Just Work. However changing it to do that would break backwards compatibility and could lead to things being doubly-encoded, which would suck. Thoughts? I may punt this to cgi-wiki-dev as well.
I wonder whether this might be the time to revisit node_name_to_node_param and provide something more flexible. I have in mind something inwardly pluggable that supplies a normalisation function for node names.
what do you mean by "normalisation", it would be cool to support the "äöü" and others?
Currently, n_n_t_n_p reduces multiple whitespace to a single space, replaces spaces with underscores and adds Title Case. There is no reason why this could not apply de-accenting of letters or turning umlauts into diphthongs. I think that there is a strong case for this being a plugin.
please explain diphthongs. i'm not a native speaker and dict doesn't know it either. why de-accenting letters? "café" should well be permitted as category.
Also, this could provide a solution to some of the King's_cross_st_pancras problem (I originally raised this as an issue with search, but it could equally be thought of as a node name munging issue). see http://openguides.org/mail/openguides-dev/2003-October/000091.html
as i'm not familiar with the openguides code, i may have misunderstood your statements.
i hope you'll find a solution for this encoding problem. :)
-- maks