I see london.og has had some spam put on it (thanks Kake and Ivor for undoing the damage). I just made myself look a muppet by forgetting how our front-page recent changes box works and trying to commit a page change with a different summary so the spam wouldn't appear on the front page - only, of course, that didn't work because the listing doesn't collapse multiple occurrences of the same node.
This is a problem, because it means spammers can attack any page and be _guaranteed_ to be on the site's front page for a while, until they've been pushed off the bottom of the list.
So, can I propose that on the _front_ page, we collapse multiple occurrences of any single node so that only the most recent change is listed? This would probably necessitate a slight phrasing change to "ten most recently changed pages".
Also, it's been pointed out (on http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiSpam ) that once the spammer makes a modification, it stays in the page history forever, and thus stays accessible to search engines, justifying the attack in the first place. There are two ways to combat this, I think: (a) make history pages not available to search engines (which I think should be the case anyway, because they contain mistakes and other crud - so I'll make this happen), and (b) let site administrators delete particular _versions_ of a page, perhaps just by replacing the content with "deleted", rather than actually removing it - that way it could show up on the page history as "(deleted)" or some such.