On Tue 02 Dec 2003, Earle Martin openguides@downlode.org wrote:
Yes. I've gone about as far as I can go; if someone can fix it so you don't have to, then I'd appreciate knowing how. This CSS zen garden business is beyond me.
I think the essence of what we're looking for is some way of reordering <div>s within the page - using CSS. I have no idea if this is possible. Anyone?
Kake wrote:
Reading and Vegan Oxford are currently running on the standard OpenGuides templates.
Which are flawed; this is the reason I've been working the templates over in the first place. It results from the usability feedback I gathered the other month.
I don't mind moving the design about a bit but I really must have the navbar on the front page somewhere. That for me is still a great usability concern with the London site. I think we do have to make sure it's possible to fit both the navbar and the recent changes feed on the front page.
I wonder if we need to try and make a clean split between presentation and functionality bits of templates. I'm not too worried about people providing their own subtemplates for parts of the pages that won't have functionality-related bugs.
I haven't seen any functionality bugs, only differences in appearance.
There have been several functionality bugs in the templates - some of them are listed in the Changes file.