On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 05:44:31PM +1000, brian quinn wrote:
Hi, I am intrigued by your mention of geo and Phone stuff and library hackage. What's that mean?
anything to do with phone numbers interests me, and geographic data also. The Openguides- and Wiki-specific bits of OG don't interest me at all, but anything they use which can be made more generally useful is something I might be interested in hacking on.
Are you interested in stuff like
Given that I don't have a Symbian phone - no :-)
Can you have a wiki on a mobile phone? Openguide on mobile nets?
That's a simple matter of providing an interface so that mobile users can conveniently interact with the server.
Probably more useful would be a downloadable stand-alone app people could install on their PDA and use as a read-only openguides.