Which searches will currently find "King's head"? I think ideally that we want the middle one to work also. Then I thought of the epic "King's Cross St Pancras".
definitely yes. i'd never really considered this in mudlondon. i think the canonical epic comes with a 'St.' ;)
ave => avenue ct => court st => saint ...oops!
cute. hrmm, the redirect problem. - you could implement something like symbolic links between pages - a redirect in a little loop of code which looks for more known special cases like 'kings', perhaps from a config file - also allow the user to set alternaspellings when they create a page. we did this for state51's music search. (and many artists may have alias or changed names)
is that overcomplicating? this does look like a tricky one. the opinion of a search strategy person would be interesting.
zx -- "Common sense won't tell you. We have to tell each other." -DNA