Here's a bug. On the historic version display, the "View current version" and "List all versions" links contain spaces that should have been turned into underscores. Example:
http://www.ox.compsoc.net/oxfordguide/?id=Harcourt_Arms&version=6 produces the links http://www.ox.compsoc.net/oxfordguide/?Harcourt%20Arms and http://www.ox.compsoc.net/oxfordguide/?action=list_all_versions;id=Harcourt%20Arms
neither of which are any use.
The problem seems to be that node_param tt_var hasn't been passed through the funtion node_name_to_node_param. Is this correct? Also, why CGI->escape() and not CGI->escapeHTML()? (I can't actually find a reference to escape in the CGI.pm manpage.
On Thu 15 Jul 2004, Dominic Hargreaves dom@earth.li wrote:
Here's a bug. On the historic version display, the "View current version" and "List all versions" links contain spaces that should have been turned into underscores.
Added a test and fix to CVS - I'll make a release as soon as you get back to me about that CGI.pm version thing we discussed offlist.
The problem seems to be that node_param tt_var hasn't been passed through the funtion node_name_to_node_param. Is this correct?
Yes. Although methods shouldn't be faffing with that themselves, just passing 'node' through to OpenGuides::Template which will work out node_name and node_param from that.
Also, why CGI->escape() and not CGI->escapeHTML()? (I can't actually find a reference to escape in the CGI.pm manpage.
CGI->escape is for URL-escaping eg " " --> "%20".