I hereby declare this week, from now until the end of Sunday, as open season on other people's Open Guides. This means that we want to encourage members of the OpenGuides community to visit other guides in the network, and add content, perform housekeeping tasks, and generally Make Things Better.
The following guides have explicity agreed to participate:
The Oxford Guide http://oxford.openguides.org The Randomness Guide to London http://london.randomness.org.uk/ The Vegan Guide to Oxford http://the.earth.li/~kake/cgi-bin/openguides/vegan-oxford.cgi Tourist Engineer http://engineer.openguides.org/ Open Guide to Milton Keynes http://miltonkeynes.openguides.org/
but as long as you follow the house rules of the guides in question, there is no reason why you shouldn't help improve other guides listed on http://openguides.org/ as well.
On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 05:18:51PM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
I hereby declare this week, from now until the end of Sunday, as open season on other people's Open Guides. This means that we want to encourage members of the OpenGuides community to visit other guides in the network, and add content, perform housekeeping tasks, and generally Make Things Better.
The following guides have explicity agreed to participate:
The Oxford Guide http://oxford.openguides.org The Randomness Guide to London http://london.randomness.org.uk/ The Vegan Guide to Oxford http://the.earth.li/~kake/cgi-bin/openguides/vegan-oxford.cgi Tourist Engineer http://engineer.openguides.org/ Open Guide to Milton Keynes http://miltonkeynes.openguides.org/
Feel free to add Boston to this list. (I'm just lazy and didn't respond.) :)
Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
I hereby declare this week, from now until the end of Sunday, as open season on other people's Open Guides. This means that we want to encourage members of the OpenGuides community to visit other guides in the network, and add content, perform housekeeping tasks, and generally Make Things Better.
Once upon a time I had good intentions:
would be very pleased to meet you.
On Mon 14 May 2007, Paul Sharpe paul@coreware.co.uk wrote:
Once upon a time I had good intentions:
would be very pleased to meet you.
Ooh, brilliant! I can add the Good Beer Guide pubs in the area, if you like? I have a copy of the 2007 GBG, and a scripty thing to make uploading them easier.
Feel free to jump on IRC (#openguides on irc.perl.org) and chat; there's a couple of us around at the moment (well, there's me, and I think crschmidt is still lurking).
On Mon 14 May 2007, Christopher Schmidt crschmidt@crschmidt.net wrote:
Feel free to add Boston to this list. (I'm just lazy and didn't respond.) :)
And Saint Paul! I've been playing around with it today.
On Mon 14 May 2007, Kake L Pugh kake@earth.li wrote:
Ooh, brilliant! I can add the Good Beer Guide pubs in the area, if you like? I have a copy of the 2007 GBG, and a scripty thing to make uploading them easier.
OK, done :) Might do the Wetherspoons pubs at some point too.
Could you get a Google Maps API key for the guide, so we can look at things on maps? More details in README.GMAPS; the relevant bit is below:
To use Google Maps, you need to get an API key from http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html. When you've put this value into the config file as gmaps_api_key, the maps become available to you in two places. Firstly, if you've set "show_gmap_in_node_display", and if the user has set their preferences to display Google Maps, any node which has location information will get an inset map pinpointing the location. Secondly, the URL http://.../wiki.cgi?action=index;format=map becomes a large map with a list of all nodes (regardless of the user settings).
Kake L Pugh wrote:
Could you get a Google Maps API key for the guide, so we can look at things on maps? More details in README.GMAPS; the relevant bit is below:
I have a key,
To use Google Maps, you need to get an API key from http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html. When you've put this value into the config file as gmaps_api_key, the maps become available to you in two places.
but I'm not sure I have access to the config file. Dominic?
On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 09:31:47AM +0100, Paul Sharpe wrote:
Kake L Pugh wrote:
Could you get a Google Maps API key for the guide, so we can look at things on maps? More details in README.GMAPS; the relevant bit is below:
I have a key,
To use Google Maps, you need to get an API key from http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html. When you've put this value into the config file as gmaps_api_key, the maps become available to you in two places.
but I'm not sure I have access to the config file. Dominic?
No, but I can slot this in for you - just email me the key.
Hey Kake et al,
Great that the Visit another OG week is on :) Your contributions to the OGMK didn't go unnoticed - sadly we have almost zero GBG pubs in the entire "city" <sigh/>
Ooh, brilliant! I can add the Good Beer Guide pubs in the area, if you like? I have a copy of the 2007 GBG, and a scripty thing to make uploading them easier.
On that subject, what's the licensing status for this data? I'd love to add it into Revyu, but is it "owned" in some fashion by the GBG?
Tom "I'm not a lawyer, but..." Heath ;)
On Thu 17 May 2007, Tom Heath tom.heath@gmail.com wrote:
Ooh, brilliant! I can add the Good Beer Guide pubs in the area, if you like? I have a copy of the 2007 GBG, and a scripty thing to make uploading them easier.
On that subject, what's the licensing status for this data? I'd love to add it into Revyu, but is it "owned" in some fashion by the GBG?
As I understand it (although only through having read stuff written by the copyright paranoia fanatics on Wikipedia), it's not possible to copyright facts such as "this pub is mentioned in the Good Beer Guide" or "this pub is open from 9am to midnight".
Salut à tous!
On 14/05/07, Dominic Hargreaves dom@earth.li wrote:
but as long as you follow the house rules of the guides in question, there is no reason why you shouldn't help improve other guides listed on http://openguides.org/ as well.
Sorry for being so quiet recently, I've been getting sorted out for RoCoCoCamp. As I'm now in Montréal, I'd like to extend the invitation to here as well, at http://montreal.openguides.org/ . Hopefully it'll be getting some good activity as I'll be encouraging people here to use it ("wikification of the city" is on the agenda).
À bientôt,
On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:43:35PM +0100, Kake L Pugh wrote:
On Thu 17 May 2007, Tom Heath tom.heath@gmail.com wrote:
Ooh, brilliant! I can add the Good Beer Guide pubs in the area, if you like? I have a copy of the 2007 GBG, and a scripty thing to make uploading them easier.
On that subject, what's the licensing status for this data? I'd love to add it into Revyu, but is it "owned" in some fashion by the GBG?
As I understand it (although only through having read stuff written by the copyright paranoia fanatics on Wikipedia), it's not possible to copyright facts such as "this pub is mentioned in the Good Beer Guide" or "this pub is open from 9am to midnight".
However, you seem to be harvesting information from what is essentially a database, and database rights (separate from copyright - the rights you acquire when compiling a database) apply to databases.
The details are murky and complex and for this reason I find it's best to avoid this sort of activity.
On Fri 18 May 2007, Dominic Hargreaves dom@earth.li wrote:
However, you seem to be harvesting information from what is essentially a database, and database rights (separate from copyright - the rights you acquire when compiling a database) apply to databases.
I'm not convinced database rights apply to things like "this book mentions this pub", but I'm happy for any of my contributions to other guides to be deleted if the guide admins decide they don't want them.
If you want to find out pub opening hours for yourself, I've found that around 5pm seems to be a good time to phone them up and ask, since there tends to be more than one staff member around but the after-work rush hasn't started yet. (This might not apply outside cities though.)