Dear fellow OG admins, developers, interested parties...
a while back me and Tom Heath (Milton Keynes Open Guides admins) emailed you to ask for some help with a quick survey, to help put together a paper for WikiSym 2006
Well - the good news - our paper has been accepted! program here:
So big thanks to everybody who helped us. The reviewers' comments were all pretty positive, they've asked us to provide a little more data and detail (e.g. we mentioned spam but didn't provide any figures) and we're currently responding to these comments and working on the camera-ready version. But the reviewers certainly seem interested!
all the best
Mark and Tom
p.s. here's the abstract of the paper:
Title: Wikis of Locality - Insights from the Open Guides
"In this paper we describe an emerging form of wikis - wikis of locality that support physical rather than virtual communities. We draw on our experience as administrators of the Open Guide to Milton Keynes, one of the Open Guides family of community developed local information guides built using wiki software, and present observations of the potential value and unique characteristics of wikis of locality from a practitioners perspective. Preliminary findings from a current survey of other Open Guide administrators are presented to highlight types of usage, issues and potential areas for future research."
Mark Gaved Knowledge Media Institute The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes, UK MK7 6AA
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 09:55:26AM +0100, M.B.Gaved wrote:
Cool, congrats. I trust we'll be pointed at a copy of the full paper when it's been published? :)