On Sun 27 Jun 2004, Jo Walsh jo@frot.org wrote:
then i think the 2 plugins should be totally compatible, and i just change mine to use base CGI::Wiki::Plugin::Locator::UTM, and add the geocoding method. nice one ivor.
Couldn't the two plugins be merged into one? And CGI::Wiki::Plugin::Locator::UK should be made obsolete as well.
a further thought! Schuyler objects that distances in metres and kilometres meant little to people not used to seeing them / converting between them and yards/miles, e.g. pesky merkins.
On Mon 28 Jun 2004, IvorW ivorw-openguides@xemaps.com wrote:
Sounds like a case for using Data::Dimensions.
That's real overkill for a simple conversion.
Anyhow, it looks like you two have this well in hand so I shall leave it up to you.