On Fri 11 Jul 2003, Alex McLintock alex@owal.co.uk wrote:
- A particular version of CGI.pm is required since earlier versions don't
seem to have unescape. eg Undefined subroutine &CGI::unescape called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/CGI/Coo etc
Wow, you must have an old CGI.pm - I've added a prereq of 2.76 since I can't work out from the docs exactly when unescape appeared. That's in CVS and will be in 0.21.
- Are you supposed to be able to install it through the CPAN shell? if not
then can you disable it somehow?
- Is it necessary to install DBD::Pg even if you aren't using Postgres? It
was a bit irritating being told it was a required module.
I think both these problems are related to the Makefile.PL being created automatically by Module::Build. The CPAN shell can't cope with Build.PL, and the auto-created Makefile.PL doesn't have the prompts and things in.
Short answer - install Module::Build and follow the instructions in INSTALL, or use CPANPLUS.
- Is it supposed to be City based only or can I have one for awhole
country? (I'm thinking of doing a Cyprus one - which frankly isn't big enough to require separate wiki's for separate towns).
I don't see why a whole country one wouldn't work. It'd be great if you could try it.
- I get this warning...
ListTables is deprecated, use $dbh->tables() at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/DBD/mysql.pm line 272. Do you know if that is down to and old DBD::MySQL? or a slight mistake in your tests?
See the last paragraph of http://the.earth.li/~kake/cgi-bin/blog/blog.cgi/os.pod/Thursday_26_June_2003
:) Try upgrading things. If you can find the actual module that triggers it I'd be really grateful. We're not calling ListTables explicitly anywhere.
- How many different OpenGuides can you install on one box?
As many as you like! The auto-generated Config module will get installed centrally though, so you do need to make sure you go through the install procedure fully in order to give it the details of your new install.
I am trying to install a second (v 0.18, after v0.16) but it is picking up some of the OLD installation during the tests. eg
Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash::_open_multi_map() - Failed to lock the -map_name 't/sii-db-file-test.db' to lock mode 'EX': Search::InvertedIndex::DB::DB_File_SplitHash::lock() - Unable to obtain a 'EX' lock on the map: Resource temporarily unavailable at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Search/InvertedIndex.pm line 282
at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Search/InvertedIndex.pm line 282 (in cleanup) Search::InvertedIndex::DB::Mysql::lock() - foyleswiki is not open. Can't lock.
Are these two separate error messages or are they connected? If two separate, then I'm a lot more interested in the first one, since the second is explained below. Can you let me know more details?
foyleswiki is my old v0.16 Wiki and not the one I am trying to install. I don't see where it got "foyleswiki" from cause I didn't enter it in the perl Build.PL config setup.
I'm guessing that you entered it as a test database when you last installed CGI::Wiki? Later versions of CGI::Wiki have an explicit warning not to do that, but in general *don't* ever test things on live databases, or databases that ever will be live!