Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 13:40:03 -0800 (PST) From: Rob Kelley To: Subject: [nycwireless] Mobile-izing! Weeklong Cell Phone "Shoot-Out" at 347 W 16 St (9th Ave) Precedence: list
from (our new name!) --- If you saw [ article ] [ ], you know something shady's going on in the shadow of proud Google's NY offices. A landlord is apparently using a suspicious fire as an excuse to sell a rent-stabilized building as vacant and free-market while the tenants are displaced. And he's using Craiglist to do it. We don't like it, we expect you don't like it, and our cellphones have cameras...
__Let's turn the camera's eye on 347 W 16 St.__ Your mission, mobile user, is to go to 347 W 16 St, take a picture of the building with your cellphone, and email it to us at:
!!!::[|__347@10011.info__ ]::
( is the same as wikiStreets, but it's easier to type into a cellphone.)
Each photo we get we'll upload and post to [ Flickr ] with a unique tag. The goal is 100 pics by this Friday, March 31st.
We'll be showing our support for the tenants and highlighting this building as a battleground in the war for a culturally rich, economically diverse neighborhood.
P.S. PDAs, Laptops, and crazy Linux-modded beasts are also welcome!
-- NYCwireless - Un/Subscribe: Archives:
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On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 03:45:42PM -0800, Jo Walsh wrote:
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 13:40:03 -0800 (PST) From: Rob Kelley To: Subject: [nycwireless] Mobile-izing! Weeklong Cell Phone "Shoot-Out" at 347 W 16 St (9th Ave)
[snip off-topic content]
Please don't spam this list with irrelevant content, thanks.
On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 07:43:15PM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
Please don't spam this list with irrelevant content, thanks.
I didn't think the post that i forwarded was irrelevant at all. I think these kinds of massive local annotation projects with a "civic information" focus are totally relevant to what people may want to do with an open guide.
The wireless connection for me is because i worked on a lot of prototypes connecting a guide to local information portals on community wireless networks, where each node knows where it is thus what information on the guide is around it.
crschmidt also has been working on some GPRS / cellphone based prototypes for talking to the guide after a rough estimate of location based on shapes inferred from 'cellstumbling' mobile phone networks.
SOrry if posting local events to a broadly spatially dsistrbuted people most of whom cannot go to them is inappropriate to people here. Another nice example of people getting together to map and annotate collectively and intensely in a short space of time, is the upcoming openstreetmap workshop where they are attempting to map the Isle of Wight in as dense and complete detail as possible within a couple of days: (and i can't go to that either, it sucks). This will involve a lot of geoannotated flickr pictures and so on.