The HOWTO at says
Local installs
If you're installing the OpenGuides modules into a local directory rather than system-wide, you're going to need to let the OpenGuides scripts (wiki.cgi, newpage.cgi, preferences.cgi and supersearch.cgi) know where to find them. To do this, you'll need to add a line that says use lib='/path/to/my/OpenGuides/modules'; (using the real path to where your modules are located) in each of them at the top, just before all the other 'use' statements.
To me this sucks. You should never need to hack source code to complete an install. An alternative is to add the environment variable PERL5LIB in the .profile or .bashrc for the user account who will be running the script. Are there any issues with this?
I see that this has been automated in the install procedure.
"Do you want me to munge a custom lib path into the scripts?"
If you have installed some or all of the required Perl modules (or indeed the OpenGuides modules themselves) into a private directory, you will need to tell the scripts where to find these modules. Enter the paths to search here just as you would enter them in a 'use lib qw( ... );' in a Perl script.
Is this the right way to go?