Here are a few things that people might be interested in. They all might require tweaking for your particular guide; don't run them unless you understand them.
First of all, an importer thingy that reads data from a YAML file and uses WWW::Mechanize to add it to a guide. (It won't overwrite existing data; it checks first and warns you if you're attempting to create a page that already exists.) Because it's YAML, you can't use asterisks in the content or it gets confused. If you don't use streetmap x/y links and OS x/y coords then you'll need to change that part. You can include any fields in the YAML file that are present in the edit form. This is mainly useful for creating stub pages so a location search will find them. I've used it to add all London's Tube stations and Good Beer Guide pubs. is the importer and rgldata is an example datafile.
Secondly, a search thingy that finds all things in category A within N metres of things in Category B. It's quite fast and efficient because it uses raw SQL rather than the abstraction layers. It may be Postgres-specific, and it's certainly OS X/Y specific, but it should be obvious how to change that to suit your own guide. An example (plan your own Circle Line pub crawl):
This is, unsurprisingly, find.cgi.
Finally, a javascript snippet to find nearest Tube stations and show what lines they're on. Again, will need tweaking for non-London guides.
show_tube_stations.html goes somewhere in and show_tube_stations.js goes in nearest-tube.cgi lives in the same directory as wiki.cgi
Hope these are of interest.
Oh, I just noticed that the Tube stations thing mentions hacking around a bug in Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Categoriser. I attach a patch including a test which exposes the bug, and a fix (it's pretty simple). Sorry Dom, wasn't quite sure where Wiki::Toolkit bugreps go these days.