As reported on IRC, the "edit this page" link remains on "action=index" nodes. The obvious fix to this is to add "not_editable => 1" to the relevant subroutines in lib/, but the template currently matches on
UNLESS (node_param == 'Category_Index') or not_editable %
Has someone changed something to cause the former test to not work, or was it always a useless test? I can't see any references in the CVS repository (current or past versions) to "Catogory_Index".
On Wed 03 Nov 2004, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
UNLESS (node_param == 'Category_Index') or not_editable %
Has someone changed something to cause the former test to not work, or was it always a useless test? I can't see any references in the CVS repository (current or past versions) to "Catogory_Index".
Doesn't look familiar to me; I'd guess it's a leftover from the very early "make it work at all costs" stage, so junk it.