On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 06:43:40PM +0000, Kake L Pugh wrote:
So, any feedback on the hackfest? Are all the new people on this mailing list now? Who's working on what?
I'd like to update the News on the website :)
Sorry, I've been meaning to write a roundup of the hackfest for quite some time now, but have been inundated with other tasks.
Thanks to all who came to the hackfest; I felt that we made some progress, especially on Sunday, although it's still a steady progress towards a bug-free OpenGuides rather than any major new features.
By my count the stats were:
- 22 tickets closed - 23 commits - 6 tickets opened
I'm aware that I meant to do a release of Wiki::Toolkit and OpenGuides soon after the release; the things stopping me from doing that at the moment are:
- I'd really like to get to the bottom of http://www.wiki-toolkit.org/ticket/41 before a release of Wiki::Toolkit, but so far I've been daunted by the twisty nature of the code around that point to tackle it effectively[1] - Kake asked whether we could use URI::Find instead of Data::Validate::URI; it's a possibility, although it certainly wouldn't be as strict and isn't really designed for the same purpose.
All input on those issues especially welcome!
All that aside, thanks again to everyone for coming, especially Oliver and Janet for being offical OUCS People In Charge. Thanks also to OUCS[2] for letting us use the meeting rooms; I think they worked well for the purpose and I hope we can do the same again.
To those on the openguides-hackfest list; after I've sent this message, I'll unsubscribe you all, ready for the next occasion; please do join the openguides-dev list if you're interested in more OpenGuides development.
Cheers, Dominic.
[1] http://www.wiki-toolkit.org/browser/wiki-toolkit/trunk/lib/Wiki/Toolkit/Stor... [2] http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/