Hello! I've signed up for this: http://hackday.org/
Basically, it's a bunch of geeks getting together in Alexandra Palace on 16th-17th June, and making things. I thought it might be cool if there were OpenGuides people there. Dom, might you be able to make it? Anyone else?
One of the organisers turned up on #london.pm the other day and said not to be put off by the thing about "considered for participation" and "reviewing applications for attendance" - apparently that's mostly to put off people who're not actually involved in building interesting things and just want to come for the free booze/networking/etc.
Note that I don't know if there'll be space there to do anything directly OpenGuides-related, but it might be fun anyway.
This also reminded me that I've been thinking for a while that it might be about time for another OpenGuides hackathon - anyone interested?
Also: I learn from the interweb that Earle is going to Montreal to talk to Wikitravel people about RDF output and how we can make OpenGuides and Wikitravel talk to each other: http://evan.prodromou.name/Journal/4_Flor%c3%a9al_CCXV
Is anyone else doing anything exciting at the moment? I hear rumour of a potential OpenGuides-related talk at YAPC::EU...