On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 01:39:34PM -0800, justin+openguides@dicatek.com wrote:
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
I've never done RDF import. I wrote some tools which automated the process of import, but they just used standard HTTP post. My interest in OpenGuides is entirely unrelated to its RDF output, largely because I think that RDF is an unusable technology at this point.
Hopefully not getting too off topic here, but I'm curious why RDF is unusable for OpenGuides / in general? (From reading some web pages, one sort of gets the impression that RDF is the second coming. :)
http://crschmidt.net/blog/archives/85/ sums up my position nicely, as far as I remember. I wrote it close to two years ago but most of my opinions haven't changed, though I would add the severe lack of a "Getting Things Done" attitude is probably what has harmed the semantic web the most. OpenGuides is a counter to that, and there are exceptions to the rule (Dan Brickley, and the FOAF crowd in general, chief among them), but for the most part, the semantic web is more tied up in semantic wankery than actually achieving anything with the tools that they've created.
I can expand more, but this is probably not the best place for it, and I don't participate in semweb community precisely *because* of all the reasons that make me complain, so anyone who wants to can follow up off the list with me :)