I've been trying to figure out what's going on on http://openguides.org/page/release_notes
I thought at first that the table of release notes wasn't showing up at all, but then I realised it _is_ there, but it's stuck down at the bottom underneath the stuff about Free The Postcode etc. The problem's showing up on Firefox, Safari 2.0.2, and Opera 8.51, all on OS X. (Also, on Opera, the "Public Geo Data" box overlaps the "Take me there..." box, but only on that one page.) I can't figure out the structure of the page so I'm not sure how to fix it. Earle, could you take a look? Or anyone else?
Also regarding the website, I'm trying to figure out how the Randomness Guide to London should be linked in the "Take me there..." list of OpenGuides installations. Obviously it can't just be "London", but it doesn't really have a brief description, so it can't just be "Foo London" in the same way as "Vegan Oxford". It's focused on pubs and restaurants, but I don't think "London Pubs" is really accurate since that doesn't include restaurants. "London Randomness" is possible, if people don't think that would be confusing. "Randomness Guide to London" would be best, but it's a bit long; "London Randomness" might be too long as well, actually, come to think of it - there'd most likely be a linebreak between "London" and "Randomness", which would be very confusing. "Randomness" on its own is out, since I don't think people would expect a guide without a city name to be focused on a single city. Any ideas?