dear all,
i've been visiting Berlin a lot and would like to start a Guide so i can write about the funny and useful places that i find or am shown.
but i don't speak any German and i want to keep it that way - it's an awful language. ( )
i thought about asking for best practise / prior art on multilingual Guides. the thing is i am not worried about having translations, and i would sort of rather have any language that people feel like writing in, squashed onto one page, than separate stuff out, in a way which might make different language communities feel unwelcome or lapse into local minima.
i could do quite a lot with silly icons, and categories can have names in any language, that's fine, and i'm not worried about knowing what language category names are in - people will understand or not understand - and one day we can do some magic with if we like.
how is the OG collective hosting situation? it would rock my world if i could park this somewhere i would not be subsequently responsible for breaking and upgrading ;)