On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 05:18:51PM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
I hereby declare this week, from now until the end of Sunday, as open season on other people's Open Guides. This means that we want to encourage members of the OpenGuides community to visit other guides in the network, and add content, perform housekeeping tasks, and generally Make Things Better.
The following guides have explicity agreed to participate:
The Oxford Guide http://oxford.openguides.org The Randomness Guide to London http://london.randomness.org.uk/ The Vegan Guide to Oxford http://the.earth.li/~kake/cgi-bin/openguides/vegan-oxford.cgi Tourist Engineer http://engineer.openguides.org/ Open Guide to Milton Keynes http://miltonkeynes.openguides.org/
Feel free to add Boston to this list. (I'm just lazy and didn't respond.) :)