Hi all, and a Merry Christmas!
I've been fiddling about with the layout of nottingham.og.o, and have a few minor issues with the templates I'd like to bring up:
* It appears there is no div that covers all the actual content of a node; the 'content' div seems to include the navbar as well. Is this intentional? For what I was hoping to do with the layout, these being separate divs would probably be really useful -- either for the content div to stop including the navbar, or for some other div to be created including the rest of the content div, after the navbar.
* There are two search boxes on every page (navbar, footer). Would it be easy to add a config option to not have one of them, or just lose the footer one altogether, or something? I think the one in the navbar is more immediately visible, so I'd probably prefer to keep that one.
(There's probably also an argument for a special one in home_node.tt somewhere, for guides which have no navbar on the front page, or something.)
* The Recent Changes box on the front page looks quite cluttered, and is bigger than I'd like; one solution to this would be to lose most of it, just retaining the node names, and maybe the marker proposed in http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=9068. But, I realise some guides might want the full version of this box, as it stands. So I suggest a new config option (yes, I know, another question at install time...) called something like minimal_recent_changes which can then be used in the templates to remove the 'fluff' from this box as appropriate.
I'm also not convinced of the point of the "edit this page" link in the recent changes box, but I assume that's there for a reason I've not thought of yet!
As another alternative, could the recent changes front page box be made optional altogether? I assume this would be relatively easy to do, and I think this is if anything a _more_ useful option than the navbar being optional.
There's probably other stuff, but it's 3am. I'll follow up to this message next week, no doubt :-)
Cheers, James.