From "Changes":
Numerous template tweaks to comply with the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ( - summaries for all HTML tables - labels for all form input elements and some textual additions to templates, such as '/' separators between navbar items, because the guidelines specify links should not only be separated by whitespace. If you don't want these to appear, put the following in your stylesheet and they'll be hidden by CSS (but will still appear for people using textual browsers or screen readers): ".hidden { display: none }". - the "lang" element (a two-letter code identifying the language you're writing pages in) will now be added to the <html> tag on all pages; a new question has been added to the configuration script to ask for it and it will be stored in wiki.conf. *** YOU WILL NEED TO RUN BUILD.PL AGAIN. *** *** Remember to keep a backup copy of your old wiki.conf! ***
Improved navigation for search results (next and previous n hits). Removed underscores from page names in search results.
Please test if you can.