On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 05:04:33PM +0200, Kai Michael Poppe wrote:
upon gnoming through the OpenGuide to London and inserting pages with horribly long Website Addresses a though came cross my mind. I wrote a CGI that reads an URL from a MYSQL defined by a 5-character code, and sends a Location: Command to the Browser. It will be needed to write some CGIs that make it possible to add a link between the 5-char-code and an url to the database. There are some more possiblities to get rid of long urls. I would be happy if some developer would act upon my request.
If I understand you correctly, your idea is to have a service like tinyurl.com or makeashorterlink.com. What extra benefits would your method have?
Personally I don't see the need to shorten OpenGuides URLs; they are a fairly managable lenth at the moment and, moreover, convey useful information (ie they are a fairly close representation of the page name).