Sounds like I need to pull my finger out and write the Geography::Grid module I have been meaning to write. I think I've got the tuits to do this in non-work time at the moment. I should also write this up as a hack once I've done it.
cool, what will it do, that isn't covered by the crossection of Geography::NationalGrid and Geo::Coordinates::UTM ... be a nicer API?
I haven't done much to de-anglicanize the Orlando openguide. I keep meaning to get a tuit into either implimenting Geo::Distance for the time being (something better than nothing) or take a stab at the affor mentioned Geo::Grid hack (I'm not the best at maths).
there's a Geo::Distance for latlong on CPAN too. but it uses the wrong algorithm for calculating short distances on a sphere. i used it in mudlondon as a good-enough approximation... perhaps it could be patched. schuyler wrote up some of this stuff, cosines v haversines etc... for the san diego stuff we did i just converted everything to utm and did plain old cartesian distance, which is i guess all right for an openguide where everything is going to be in the same UTM zone...
jo -- "Common sense won't tell you. We have to tell each other." -DNA