Thanks, largely, to Kake who has returned to the project recently, we have a feature-packaged new release. This'll be the last one, unless there are any major bugs, before I disappear on a journey of marriage and honeymooning next week.
As ever, you can fetch the distribution from CPAN (shortly), or directly from md5sum is 854d655acdab9f7271d29c3864fbac17 (and it's signed with cpansign, as usual).
Debian packages will be making their way into the archive in due course.
Below is the extract from UPGRADING:
0.59 Some CSS was altered; you should check and update your stylesheets. See README.CSS for details. Common categories and locales were moved within the navbar
Below is the extract from Changes:
0.59 25 March 2007 Move preview_node() and edit_node() from wiki.cgi into Remove - use instead to reduce duplication. Make sure to always pass the config object into the templates. Add some extra test utilities to OpenGuides::Test Allow Guide admins to control the content of autocreated nodes (#47). Let people add name of copyright holder, licence URL, and info page URL for node images (#179). Add config option to omit recent changes from home page. Split out "modules" from into separate templates navbar_*.tt to make it easier for people to change the order in a custom template Add a new div to wrap the entire body; also, use in instead of copy/paste. Add a new div for the atom/RSS feed links on the recent changes page. Add config option to place content above navbar in HTML. Add config option to suppress inline maps on geotagged nodes. Add support for custom template to add to page <head> (#191). Fix preferences to take notice of users turning off inline Google maps. Add option to include Google Analytics. Fix "Link to this page" on index maps to remember the map type and the thing it's indexing (#190). Write tests for and fix: #48 (Edit conflict page erroneously converts lat/lon to os_x, os_y). #173 (edit conflict form doesn't let you edit everything). Fix: #184 (Build.PL doesn't treat the absence of Config::Tiny gracefully.) Add admin function for reverting changes by a specified user or host.