So today I was reading the page on the dev wiki about Greylisting ( and it's a fairly straight forward and a kinda nice idea to avoid the anti-wiki like idea of requiring user logins for submissions. However there is one minor change that I'd like to add.
After an IP address has a post moderated and accepted the first time that IP address is then whitelisted for a time, meaning any of their further posts are automatically accepted for a period of time. This will reduce the amount of admin intervention required.
Possible drawbacks I've thought of so far:
* Dynamic IP address change after unknown periods of times. Initially I was thinking the whitelist period could be measured in months, but now I suspect it should be days or possibly hours on a very active guide.
* It won't block a spammer from making a useful edit to gain whitelist access then using that elevated status to wreak havoc. But then that would be a fairly dedicated spammer, and their IP address would be blacklisted very quickly.
* There is a question of which user is whitelisted in the case of multiple edits (Bob edits FooNode, Alice edits FooNode, AdminHex moderates Alice's merge with Bob ... who's IP address is whitelisted? Alice? Bob? Both?) I suggest that it's only Alice's, but this could be configurable.
I'm sure there are drawbacks I haven't thought of. Suggestions?