OpenGuides 0.52 has been released, with minor updates as well as initial Google Maps support. It is available from your favourite CPAN mirror, or
or, indeed,
md5sum: 75c22070e53963bf0947430415bf92c8 OpenGuides-0.52.tar.gz
(files in this distribution are also signed with cpansign; run "cpansign -v" to verify.)
Changelog: 0.52 5 March 2006 IMPORTANT CHANGE: "supersearch.cgi" is now simply "search.cgi". If you have customisations to your templates, you may need to make changes to reflect this. Rename OpenGuides::SuperSearch to OpenGuides::Search. Use corrent content-type (application/rdf+xml) for all RDF output. Things with opening hours are marked as geospatial in RDF. Fix missing bracket in Add custom_node template just below main content in Google Maps support! There is a new index type, wiki.cgi?action=index;format=map, and maps appear in the node listings (the latter feature is user-configurable). Fix <link> in RSS to point to RecentChanges page, not the feed itself. #67 Default website for a page is now http:// Fix mod_perl redirect bug. Fix test failure with 3.16. #87 Edit on mirrored pages now goes to source site #66 Locales in RDF now use dc:title, not foaf:name