On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 04:32:23PM +0000, Kake L Pugh wrote:
On Mon 05 Mar 2007, Nick Burch openguides@gagravarr.org wrote:
Maybe we should do the conversion to wgs84 at page save time, put the un-converted lat/long into a new field (eg local_lat, local_long), and make the (current) lat/long fields hold the wgs84 one?
Sounds good to me. And then the presence/absence of local_lat, local_long data works as a marker for whether the lat/long fields are WGS84, if anyone feels the need to find that out.
Shall I do that, then? Or does someone else want to?
+1 from that.
If being really organised you could make this a ticket in trac and put your name against it :)