This from last Friday's NTK. I'd be willing to do a very quick (15 mins?) lightning talk on Openguides, with quick demo of one of the sites (perhaps with a laptop copy as backup in case Net access is unavailable).
* Call for Participation - Please Redistribute Freely *
The UK Unix User Group,, and the organisers of NotCon '04 present: Open Tech 2005
Saturday July 23rd - The Reynolds Building, Hammersmith, London W6 8RP
Sponsored by, Open Tech 2005 is an informal one-day conference about technologies that anyone can have a go at, from "Open Source"-style ways of working to repurposing everyday electronics hardware.
So far, the line-up features: * Ted Nelson, inventor of hypertext, on where the web went wrong * The official launch of the developer network, opening up BBC content for you to play with * Plus: able to record an entire week of all Freeview TV and radio channels, probably the UK's largest (fridge-sized) PVR
More speakers will be confirmed over the next few weeks - but, as the title implies, we're very much "Open" to suggestions. If you're reverse-engineering proprietary protocols, making useful information available in a way people couldn't get at before, pioneering unexpected methods of knowledge sharing - or (equally likely) doing something so cool we haven't even thought of it yet, then please get in touch via the submissions form at:
The deadline for submissions is midnight UK time Saturday June 25th, and we'll aim to notify everyone who's submitted a proposal by July 1st.
We'll be trying to fit in as many talks (and lightning presentations) as possible, so the shorter you can make yours, the better. Alternatively, if you have an idea for a panel discussion, or a workshop, or anything else that's vaguely in keeping with the theme of the event, then we also can't wait to hear from you.
And there'll most likely be some sort of internet access at the event, but offline demonstrations are strongly encouraged, as bandwidth may not be guaranteed.
* Further information *
You don't have to suggest a session to take part; you can stay informed about the event by subscribing to our low-traffic announcement-only mailing list - send a blank email to:
(your address will only be used to contact you about the event and will not be passed onto third parties).
- or you can email if you've any other questions. Open Tech 2005
Saturday July 23rd - The Reynolds Building, Hammersmith, London W6 8RP
Final programme may be subject to alteration. Thanks for reading!