On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 06:23:25AM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
"Toby" == Toby Corkindale tjc@wintrmute.net writes:
Toby> I've written a file-attachment patch for OpenGuides and CGI::Wiki, which Toby> stores the files in BLOBs. I've written the relevant CGI::Wiki::Store::Pg Toby> module for Postgresql,
Why? Rows in Pg are unlimited length, and BLOBs are supported only to be "oracle-like". It's preferred that you simply store the data in the row.
In that case, I shall.
Toby> but I don't know so much about SQLite or MySQL.
SQLite doesn't have blobs, but any column can store a lot:
The total amount of data in a single row of the database is limited to 1 megabyte. You can increase this limit to 16 megabytes, if you need to, by adjusting a single #define in the source tree and recompiling.
Hmm. 1Mb isn't a lot in my books. But I won't be using SQLite anyway.
MySQL is not a database. :)
I've been trying to tell people this for years. And then SQLite came along, and suddenly MySQL looks feature-rich by comparison.
There's obviously a market for lightweight vaguely-indexed data-store libraries, but why do they always start trying to go above their station and become a fully-fledged database? Pick a niche market and stick to it, dammit! Grr.. I'm just waiting for SQLEvenLiter to appear once SQLite decides to add things like concurrency and locking. I hear MySQL has finally got around to supporting transactions and finer-grained locking, so evidently it's time for SQLite to move up and fill its place.