On Sat 19 Jul 2003, Ivor Williams ivor.williams@tiscali.co.uk wrote:
ivorw@un:~/foo/grubclone$ ./Build install Warning: You do not have permissions to install into /usr/local/stow/perl-5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0 [...] btw, I did use
perl Build.PL config='sitelib=/home/ivorw/lib/'
un now has Module::Build 0.19 installed - I have a vague feeling that the method of specifying the sitelib has changed since 0.18. I couldn't see anything from a quick skim of the docs, but I'm computerly-challenged at the moment and need to give this machine back soon so can't spend more time looking. Read the Module::Build perldoc and maybe check the Changes file.
Also, I think there should be something in the docs (INSTALL or TROUBLESHOOTING) about who in general to log in as to run the install step. I am offering to write this once I understand it.
Now I think of it, you need to be someone who has permissions to write to both the place where you want to install the modules and the place where you want to install the scripts. I'm coming back to the idea of installing the modules in the same place as the scripts (in a lib/ subdirectory), may seem wasteful but it would solve complications particularly with the OpenGuides::Config module.
Kake in haste