On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 08:30:45PM +0000, Kake L Pugh wrote:
I don't think we have to abandon the distributed approach in order to do what Adam wants. How about, we have an API where any Open Guide will be able to answer the following questions:
- What's the bounding box for all your pages?
- Give me details of all your pages within a chosen bounding box.
Then we have a central service which asks each guide question 1 every so often and caches the result. When someone asks this central service to find all OpenGuides pages within a given bounding box, it uses this cached result to figure out which guides it needs to contact and ask question 2 of.
Does that fit in with what Adam wants his app to do?
The central service will of course need to have a list of the active guides, but I don't see this as a great hardship.
This is pretty much exactly how I envisaged a central portal service working.