----- Forwarded message from Michael Kr?ll michael.kroell@uibk.ac.at -----
From: Michael Kr?ll michael.kroell@uibk.ac.at Subject: [Conferences] YAPC Europe 2007 Reminder - CFP and CFH Deadlines Approaching Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 11:02:55 +0200 To: conferences@yapceurope.org
The deadline to submit Hackathon proposals for this year's YAPC Europe in Vienna is just around the corner. Please do not forget to submit your proposals by Sunday, 13th May 2007. Information on what we're looking for exactly and what we can offer to moderators (e.g. travel/accommodation refund) can be found at: http://vienna.yapceurope.org/ye2007/cfh.html
The Call for Papers deadline is less than 3 weeks away from today: http://vienna.yapceurope.org/ye2007/cfp.html
The theme for this year's conference is "Social Perl", which we hope will inspire submissions for this and related topics. If Perl has helped you or your company to get people together, or if you can report how Perl is "social" to other programming languages, or how Perl may profit from inspirations from other languages, we'd like to hear about it. Although this is our main topic for the conference, it will not be the only one, and as such we will also be accepting talks on just about any theme.
Types of talks include 20 or 40 minutes talks, 60-90 minute tutorials, or 3 hour Hack-a-thons, BOFs or Workshops.
There are still some slots free!
Hope to see you in Vienna, Michael Kr?ll on behalf of Vienna.pm