Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 13:40:03 -0800 (PST) From: Rob Kelley To: Subject: [nycwireless] Mobile-izing! Weeklong Cell Phone "Shoot-Out" at 347 W 16 St (9th Ave) Precedence: list
from (our new name!) --- If you saw [ article ] [ ], you know something shady's going on in the shadow of proud Google's NY offices. A landlord is apparently using a suspicious fire as an excuse to sell a rent-stabilized building as vacant and free-market while the tenants are displaced. And he's using Craiglist to do it. We don't like it, we expect you don't like it, and our cellphones have cameras...
__Let's turn the camera's eye on 347 W 16 St.__ Your mission, mobile user, is to go to 347 W 16 St, take a picture of the building with your cellphone, and email it to us at:
!!!::[|__347@10011.info__ ]::
( is the same as wikiStreets, but it's easier to type into a cellphone.)
Each photo we get we'll upload and post to [ Flickr ] with a unique tag. The goal is 100 pics by this Friday, March 31st.
We'll be showing our support for the tenants and highlighting this building as a battleground in the war for a culturally rich, economically diverse neighborhood.
P.S. PDAs, Laptops, and crazy Linux-modded beasts are also welcome!
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