On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 11:18:46AM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
Now my question is this: how well does sqlite as my database scale?
For the craziness I'm doing with email, one of my sqlite tables had hundreds of thousands of records. It worked. I have, however, migrated it to Sybase.
What are the caveats? According to the web site it is ACID and thus a "real" database (thought the "C" is kinda laughable since it doesn't enforce foreign key constraints).
It's not as fast as (eg) Sybase for what I want to do, partly I think because SQLite has no concept of data types, and so doesn't treat ints (which is what I mostly search on) in the most efficient manner.
What do I need to do if I decide to upgrade to a "real" RDBMS? Is it easy to move the data from one to the other?
I'd define the tables in the new db but without foreign key constraints or indices; then for each table, select all the rows from the sqlite db and insert into the new one; finally, turn the constraints and indices on
The usual caveats about SQL dialects and portability apply, of course.