On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 10:00:44PM +0000, Kake L Pugh wrote:
And also those that are within the bbox of more than one guide, especially where one of the guides is more specialised than the other. For example, Oxford has both the normal guide and the vegan guide. Clearly you'd not want to be sending reviews of steakhouses to the vegan one! I think the only cities this applies to are Oxford and London though.
Rather than having the central portal accept edits itself, it should present the user with a choice of relevant guides to add to:
"OpenGuides has found the following local guides in your area. Please choose from the following options to add an entry there:
o Oxford Guide o Vegan Guide to Oxford"
The interface between the guides and the portal would include information on how to update entries (essentially a quick link to the "edit" bit of the main CGI).