On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 06:17:18AM -0700, Jo Walsh wrote:
Have a look at: http://london.openguides.org/api/rdf/category/Bookshops
Just a note, that URL is provisional and may be subject to change. Additionally:
That features an RSS feed with seeAlso links which are to the RDF version of each URI. If you look at http://london.openguides.org/index.cgi?id=Freedom_Bookshop;format=rdf
You can get to that as http://london.openguides.org/api/rdf/Freedom_Bookshop .
Does this make sense? It is a nuanced issue the background of which you can dig at with a search for "HTTP-Range-14".
Or "httpRange-14". Here: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html#httpRange-14
Re. the broader hookup between OGL, EVNT and wirelesslondon:
- We'd get a feed from EVNT anyway, of stuff we'd been able to reason was nearby. for WirelessLondon, we'd probably want to consume
everything you thought was in London, up front. We'd want to share this with the Open Guide to London; and OGL will offer a kind of fuzzy node-coder service, so you can send an address string, see if OGL has anything that matches your place/venue, and attach your evnt to it; this should be one-click for the user; then easy to POST new pages, which perhaps can be wiki-gnomed and made into redirects later, if auto-generated page node titles aren't to the Guide admins' tastes.
Right, I figure since OGL has the goods re actual description of places, all EVNT needs to suck out of it is the names of places, minimal strings. Each of which is a unique key, perfect for slotting into your DB somewhere associated with a given event and used as a pointer to the appropriate OGL node. If no node exists, an empty field on EVNT ("venue" or whatever) makes a nice incentive to create one.
Each node knows where it is, and shows a listing of local resources from the Open Guide; ideally, EVNTs that we've managed to geocode within 1000m.
That's cool. How would you retrieve the geocoded events from EVNT? Because it would be ubergood to be able to include them in distance lookups on OGL somehow.