On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Kake L Pugh wrote:
I wouldn't say that's a workaround - I'd say that's the correct way to do it! Well, modulo the "main-navbar" thing; it would be better to give each navbar "module" its own id. I don't understand why you're special-casing the categories/locales - surely people are just as likely to want to style other elements of the navbar as they are to want to style these particular elements.
The reason to special case them is so it's easy to put them somewhere else, leaving the rest of the navbar as it currently is. I'm told that if you can't have them in different parent div's, it's really hard to do something like: http://ogtest.torchboxapps.com/wiki/wiki.cgi?Evenlode_Books%2C_Charlbury