On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 03:57:28PM -0500, Anoop Atre wrote:
I'm planning/working on setting up a Chicago-OG, this weekend I will try to start on getting the server side working and hopefully next month (at most) it will be time to coax my friends to start contributing. Any advice before I start a grand weekend drinking beer and cpanning OG?
No specific advice at the moment, but the more the merrier. Cheers :)
While going through the mailing list archive I noticed that there was mention of working on a "HowTo setup your very own OG for Timbuktu" but nothing has been done (?) I'd like to help with that, will jot down my thoughts and post to the list as I go along with the setup but don't hold your collective breaths : )
If you'd be interested in adding to some more comprehensive documentation then http://openguides.org/dev/?node=How%20To%20Set%20Up%20A%20Guide is probably the place to start.