This has been discussed in the past on IRC but never went anywhere.
I think we should have a more scalable DNS naming structure. The flat space we have at the moment won't scale particularly well - we've already had a collision with Manchester, UK and Manchester, US.
So I think we should move to a simple two level system.
and so on.
Worldwide sites like could stay.
Whether we want to enforce existing guides to switch over I don't know, but we should at least put in redirects.
Secondly, we were talking about improvements to the DNS management recently. Various solutions were mentioned and no conclusions were reached, so I'm going to offer mine here and see if we can get to a conclusion.
Currently is associated with Earle's personal account with I suggest that we get an Openguides-specific account with someone (them, or Black Cat Networks - my employer, I know we can do this, for example). That would give us a web-based update interface to which nominated individuals could have access.
We then have a wiki page that documents the DNS entries, who requested them, when they were added, who by, etc etc, to keep track of things. It's not a technically neat solution but is very easy to implement and provides a more stable DNS platform than something custom would (for example zone files in SVN were mentioned).
Comments welcomed for these two matters.