# what type of database do you want the site to run on? postgres/mysql/sqlite dbtype =
# What's the name of the database that this site runs on? dbname =
# ...the database user that can access that database? dbuser =
# ...the password that they use to access the database? dbpass =
# ...the machine that the database is hosted on? (blank if local) dbhost =
# What do you want the script to be called? script_name =
# What directory should I install it in? install_directory =
# what directory should I install the templates in? template_path =
# What URL does the install directory map to? script_url =
# What directory can I use to store indexes in for searching? ***NOTE*** This directory must exist and be writeable by the user that your script will run as. See README for more on this. indexing_directory =
# Do you want to enable page deletion? enable_page_deletion =
# What's the URL of the site's stylesheet? stylesheet_url =
# What's the site called? (should be unique) site_name =
# Do you want the navigation bar included on the home page? navbar_on_home_page =
# What should the home page of the wiki be called? home_name =
# How would you describe the site? site_desc =
# What city is the site based in? default_city =
# What country is the site based in? default_country =
# Do you want to include Ordnance Survey grid coordinates (only relevant to the UK and Ireland) os_coords =
# Do you want to include UTM coordinates (zone, easting, northing) utm_coords =
# Which ellipsoid to use for UTM conversion? (enter ellipsoid name) utm_ellipsoid =
# What do you want the distance finder to base its calculation on? UTM/grid distance_coords =
# What language will the site be in? (Please give an ISO language code.) default_language =
# Contact email address for the site administrator? contact_email =
# What's the name of the node to use for the text formatting rules link? formatting_rules_node =