Author: kake
Date: 2007-06-24 03:10:37 +0100 (Sun, 24 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1098
Fix changeset [1095] - categories and locales weren't getting linkified even if they _did_ exist.
Modified: trunk/lib/OpenGuides/
--- trunk/lib/OpenGuides/ 2007-06-21 11:25:06 UTC (rev 1097)
+++ trunk/lib/OpenGuides/ 2007-06-24 02:10:37 UTC (rev 1098)
@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my %metadata = %{$args{metadata} || {} };
my $q = $args{cgi_obj};
- my $formatter = $args{wiki}->formatter;
+ my $wiki = $args{wiki};
+ my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;
my $config = $args{config};
my $script_name = $config->script_name;
@@ -318,13 +319,33 @@
split("\r\n", $locales_text);
- my @categories = map { { name => $_,
- url => $args{wiki}->node_exists( "Category_" . $formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_)) ? "$script_name?Category_"
- . uri_escape($formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_)) : "" } } @catlist;
+ # Some stuff here is copied from OpenGuides->_autoCreateCategoryLocale
+ # - we should rationalise this.
+ my @categories = map {
+ my $param = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $_ );
+ my $name = $_;
+ $name =~ s/(.*)/\u$1/;
+ $name = $wiki->formatter->_do_freeupper( "Category $name" );
+ {
+ name => $_,
+ url => $wiki->node_exists( $name )
+ ? "$script_name?Category_" . uri_escape( $param )
+ : "",
+ };
+ } @catlist;
- my @locales = map { { name => $_,
- url => $args{wiki}->node_exists( "Locale_" . $formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_)) ? "$script_name?Locale_"
- . uri_escape($formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_)) : "" } } @loclist;
+ my @locales = map {
+ my $param = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $_ );
+ my $name = $_;
+ $name =~ s/(.*)/\u$1/;
+ $name = $wiki->formatter->_do_freeupper( "Locale $name" );
+ {
+ name => $_,
+ url => $wiki->node_exists( $name )
+ ? "$script_name?Locale_" . uri_escape( $param )
+ : "",
+ };
+ } @loclist;
# The 'website' attribute might contain a URL so we wiki-format it here
# rather than just CGI::escapeHTMLing it all in the template.
Modified: trunk/t/51_display_node.t
--- trunk/t/51_display_node.t 2007-06-21 11:25:06 UTC (rev 1097)
+++ trunk/t/51_display_node.t 2007-06-24 02:10:37 UTC (rev 1098)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
use Wiki::Toolkit::Setup::SQLite;
use OpenGuides::Config;
use OpenGuides;
+use OpenGuides::Test;
use Test::More;
eval { require DBD::SQLite; };
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
plan skip_all => "DBD::SQLite could not be used - no database to test with ($error)";
-plan tests => 13;
+plan tests => 15;
Wiki::Toolkit::Setup::SQLite::cleardb( { dbname => "t/node.db" } );
Wiki::Toolkit::Setup::SQLite::setup( { dbname => "t/node.db" } );
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
site_name => "Test Site",
template_path => "./templates",
home_name => "Home",
+ admin_pass => "password",
eval { require Wiki::Toolkit::Search::Plucene; };
@@ -62,36 +64,49 @@
unlike( $output, qr{^\QLocation: }ms, '...but not with redirect=0' );
-$wiki->write_node( "Non-existent categories and locales", "foo", undef,
- { category => [ "Does not exist" ],
- locale => [ "Does not exist" ] } );
+# Write a node, then delete one each of its categories and locales.
+ guide => $guide,
+ node => "Non-existent categories and locales",
+ categories => "Does Not Exist\r\nDoes Exist",
+ locales => "Does Not Exist\r\nDoes Exist",
+ return_output => 1,
+ );
+foreach my $id ( ( "Category Does Not Exist", "Locale Does Not Exist" ) ) {
+ $guide->delete_node(
+ id => $id,
+ password => "password",
+ return_output => 1,
+ );
+# Check the display comes up right for the existent and nonexistent.
$output = $guide->display_node( id => 'Non-existent categories and locales',
return_output => 1
unlike( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Category_Does_Not_Exist"},
- 'Category name not linked if category does not exist' );
-$wiki->write_node( "Category_Does_Not_Exist", "bar", undef, undef );
-$output = $guide->display_node( id => 'Non-existent categories and locales',
- return_output => 1
- );
-like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Category_Does_Not_Exist"},
- 'but does when it does exist' );
+ "category name not linked if category does not exist" );
+like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Category_Does_Exist"},
+ "...but does when it does exist" );
unlike( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Locale_Does_Not_Exist"},
- 'Locale name not linked if category does not exist' );
+ "locale name not linked if category does not exist" );
+like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Locale_Does_Exist"},
+ "...but does when it does exist" );
-$wiki->write_node( "Locale_Does_Not_Exist", "wibble", undef, undef );
+# Check it works when the case is different too.
+ guide => $guide,
+ node => "Existent categories and locales",
+ categories => "does exist",
+ locales => "does exist",
+ return_output => 1,
+ );
-$output = $guide->display_node( id => 'Non-existent categories and locales',
+$output = $guide->display_node( id => "Existent categories and locales",
return_output => 1
-like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Locale_Does_Not_Exist"},
- 'but does when it does exist' );
+like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Category_Does_Exist"},
+ "wrongly-cased categories are linked as they should be" );
+like( $output, qr{\Q<a href="wiki.cgi?Locale_Does_Exist"},
+ "wrongly-cased locales are linked as they should be" );