#43: Show priority in tickets-ordered-by-last-change report
Reporter: earle | Owner: dom
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: trac
Version: | Severity: normal
Keywords: |
It would be nice if [http://dev.openguides.org/report/9 this report] could
have a "priority" column.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/43>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#38: Link styles are ugly
Reporter: dom | Owner: dom
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: | Severity: normal
Keywords: |
From http://oxford.openguides.org/wiki/?Comments:
Square brackets around links to external pages look ugly. Is there any
chance of preventing them from being displayed? -- James
* Not that I know of. I actually disagree in any case; it's a useful way
of distinguishing between internal and external links, so I'd rather the
convention was kept. --Dom
* Couldn't that be done within the stylesheet? --James
* Stylesheet sounds like the best plan. I'll look into it unless someone
else does first. --Kake
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/38>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#37: No CSS file in distribution
Reporter: dom | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Version:
Severity: normal | Keywords:
We really need a decent neat, not too flashy stylesheet to distribute so
that the default install isn't so fugly. The specification for the CSS
classes and ids is source:trunk/README.CSS.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/37>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#69: Country-independent date style in Trac
Reporter: earle | Owner: dom
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: low | Component: trac
Version: | Severity: minor
Keywords: |
At present dates in Trac are listed as mm/dd/yyyy. Could we possibly get
them as yyyy/mm/dd?
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/69>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#53: Update CGI::Wiki::Formatter::UseMod for compatibility with the latest
Reporter: ivorw | Owner: dom
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: 0.51 | Severity: normal
Keywords: |
This is currently failing tests and breaking some installs, though
workarounds are available.
see [http://openguides.org/mail/openguides-dev/2005-
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/53>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#39: Spell checker
Reporter: dom | Owner: dom
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: | Severity: normal
Keywords: |
From http://oxford.openguides.org/wiki/?Comments:
James: My spelling is bad I know. Is it possible to add some sort of spell
check? Even if it's just a list of mispelled words so I can go back and
re-edit the entry?
* Not my itch; patches welcome :) --Kake
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/39>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#56: Config options for license data
Reporter: earle | Owner: dom
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: 0.51 | Severity: normal
Keywords: config |
We should have config options called licence_url and licence_info_url. The
former would be used to link to the canonical page about a licence (e.g.
something on creativecommons.org); the latter a local page about the
licecse (like "Site Licence" on London).
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/56>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#54: RSS redirect breaks username= parameter
Reporter: dom | Owner: dom
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: | Severity: normal
Keywords: |
action=rss;username=Foo should redirect to
but it redirects to action=rc;format=rss.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/54>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#42: "About" output
Reporter: earle | Owner: earle
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: low | Component: openguides
Version: | Severity: minor
Keywords: rdf |
There should be an "action=about" method in wiki.cgi that produces an
"About this guide" page, with information about the OpenGuides install
(version number, logo, link to website, etc). I figure a link to this
could replace the standard OpenGuides link at the bottom of every page.
There should also be a link on that page to "action=about;format=rdf"
which would produce [http://usefulinc.com/doap/ DOAP] output about the
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/42>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project
#70: "Things nearby"
Reporter: earle | Owner: dom
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Component: openguides
Version: svn | Severity: normal
Keywords: metadata, geodata, templates |
Every page should have a "things nearby" listing if it has had geodata
For an example, see the "other pubs nearby" section of
[http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/61/6160/Sheepwalk/Leytonstone this
page at BITE].
Ticket URL: <http://dev.openguides.org/ticket/70>
OpenGuides <http://openguides.org/>
The OpenGuides city guides project