OpenGuides has changed its CSS stuff around recently, and in addition I'd made some changes on the local version before so things are a bit disorganised again. Would anyone like to hack on an updated version so I can go ahead and update our OG install?
<I started on http://un.earth.li/~dom/oxfordguide-test/guide.css%3E a while ago but I'm Not A CSS Person so quickly got bored. If someone wants to use that as a base for something decent that may or may not vaguely resemble the current look and feel, I'd be grateful!
I've put the example css files from CVS at http://un.earth.li/~dom/oxfordguide-test/ too. The test site that you should use as a reference is http://un.earth.li/~dom/cgi-bin/oxfordguide-test/wiki.cgi. Hopefully you are using a browser that allows you to override the CSS file. If not, give me a shout and I'll change the URL to a file that you control.