On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 12:36:43AM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
Hello. Welcome to the Licencing Discusion about the Oxford Guide. For reference, other Licencing Discussions have been recorded:
Thanks for the comments that people have made on this list and IRC. I've decided to put the contents of the Oxford Guide, whereever possible, under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike licence version 2.0. This licence is described by the Commons Deed http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/, whilst the full licence is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode.
There will be a flag day of 1st August 2004, after which time all content on the Oxford Guide will be assumed to be under this licence. The purpose of the flag day is to give people a chance to verify that the Guide does not contain non-original content whose licence would be violated by this change, and also to give previous contributors a chance to remove their work if they do not agree with it being placed under this licence. Although authors retain copyright on their contributions, they also agree that for the purposes of attribution the author of the material can be considered to be "The Oxford Guide" or "The Open Guide to Oxford". In essence, the Licensing Policy will be very similar to http://london.openguides.org/index.cgi?Licensing_Policy.
This message will be posted on the Oxford Guide web site presently, and warnings will be added to the edit form informing the potential contributor of this policy. From 1st August, a notice will be posted at the bottom of each page linking to this licensing policy, and linking to the text of the Commons Deed.
I hope that, in the spirit in which the wiki was set up, these changes are acceptable to all the contributors, without whom the guide would not exist, but if you have any queries please do respond, either directly to me or on list.