On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 11:13:33AM -0400, IvorW wrote:
I prefer "Recently edited" to "Recent Changes" on the front page.
Thanks! There's a reason for this (see below).
But, where have the comments and user IDs gone? I know we can see them if we go to "Recent Changes", but it is handy to spot if a newbie or spammer has made changes that need checking or removing.
I did this in response to some recent comments that the front page was too overwhelming for new visitors. The "Recent Changes" box was useful for indicating that there's activity on the site, but was very visually noisy and duplicated the actual RC page's functionality exactly. The idea of what's there now is to be only a summary - I think consulting RC itself is better than consulting Home.
The change of name to "recently edited" from "recent changes" is because the behavior of the box is different - only the names of the nodes changed recently are shown, with no duplicate entries. However, you'll see that my implementation is faulty, because the "recent changes" list feeding it only has ten items. Any duplicate entries will cause the list to shrink from ten items. The solution for this would be for it to read from the complete list of recent changes until it was full, but I don't know how easy that would be.
-- Earle