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Creative Commons is very relevant to OpenGuides. I can't go though.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Dean Sent: 04 October 2004 09:35 To: Subject: Lessig talk in London today (20041004)
Ripped out of Fridays NTK:
LARRY "dear, *dear* Larry" LESSIG launches the UK versions of the famed Creative Commons licenses, and - who knows? - perhaps even some sort of practical applications for them, at University College London's Edward Lewis Theatre this coming Monday lunchtime (12noon-2pm Mon 2004-10-04, Windeyer Building, 46 Cleveland Street, London W1, entrance free, but please RSVP in advance to with "Creative Commons UK" as the subject line). We don't know how long the Professor is in the country, but we kind of suspect he might also enjoy getting his teeth into next weekend's FIPR COPYRIGHT IN EUROPE WORKSHOP ("starts Sat lunchtime and finishes Sun lunchtime", 2004-10-09/10, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3, looks free but email them to check), where the Foundation for Information Policy Research will be considering responses to "the EU legal framework in the field of copyright and related rights", possibly along the lines of why increased legal protection of "intellectual property" might actually be bad, not good, like some people seem to think. - aka
I booked this morning and they still have plenty of room.