On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 11:48:11AM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
Earle - here's the current reindexing script. It's pretty simple.
On Mon 22 Dec 2003, Earle Martin openguides@downlode.org wrote:
I just tried running this (saved it in the london directory) but it resulted in this message:
Search::InvertedIndex::update() - Failed to save updated 'ged_000000000000_a_000000000000' -> (list of ranked keys) at /home/earle/openguides.org/lib/CGI/Wiki/Search/SII.pm line 204
Remove the old indexes first. Don't forget to chmod the new files afterwards so the webserver can read them.
Might be a plan to throw this into cron.